Deep Thinkers Forum

Have you ever found yourself wanting to have a real conversation with people who are open and willing to stretch the boundaries of conventional thought with spiritual concepts and principles?  Is your mind and spirit craving a deep and stimulating exchange of ideas about life, our higher purpose and the future we are creating?

The Deep Thinkers Forum is a gathering of those interested in exploring our world on a spiritual/philosophical level (non-religious). It is a place where the adventurous mind can participate in thought-provoking conversations and delve deeply into a topic. We are only limited by our own desire to learn, grow and expand our awareness of self and the universe. Join with people from all different perspectives and walks of life to discuss, experience and expand on important issues in our world that affect us all. We will engage in a lively dialogue examining many diverse topics that are of universal interest and concern while looking at them through the lens of the spiritual explorer.