Healing Share

Many are beginning to understand that we are ultimately responsible for our health and the power that lies within us to bring wholeness back to our bodies, minds and spirits. We are discovering and exploring the source of disease and practicing with exciting alternative tools to traditional medicine to create healing for ourselves and others.

PIE’s Healing Share meets monthly to provide healers and non-healers alike a safe, nurturing and fun environment to explore a variety of healing paths and modalities. We come together in this experiential exchange of energy to learn and grow from each other as we practice ancient and modern-day healing practices and techniques.  We share our gifts and wisdom to create a powerful group energy to heal and uplift each other.

We welcome all who are interested in expanding their knowledge of healing, practicing their skills and experiencing the healing power of a spiritual community. Join us in the spirit of mutual respect for each other and for all paths that lead us to a deeper understanding of the healing force of love that flows through us all.